Wednesday, December 15, 2010

List of oral questions 2nd grade steam cert

This is my second trial, the questions like straight forward, i hope i can pass...InsyaAllah

1. Start and stop boiler operation
2. What is boiler according to act
3. What is heating surface
4. Briefly tell about 13 essential fitting
5. Briefly tell about your boiler water treatment plant
6. Briefly tell about act you know related to boiler
7.What is different water tube and fire tube boiler
8. Online chemical good or not?
9. If you suspect tube crack, what should u do?
10. What type of boiler chemical use at your plant


  1. Boiler Chemicals are used to prevent scale and minimize corrosion. The ultimate goal is to reduce water usage, save on energy and to extend equipment life.

  2. 3 main objective for chemical treatment is
    1) prevent oxygen
    2) prevent scale
    3) prevent carryover
